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[ENG VER] Here are 9 Types of COVID-19 Vaccines that used in Indonesia

Assalammu‘alaikum wr. wb.

Hello everyone, how are you today? Hopefully you are fine and always healthy! It's now been 1.5 Years since the COVID-19 Outbreak has hit Indonesia and it's also been almost 2 Years since the COVID-19 Pandemic has hit the World. Now almost the whole World, including Indonesia, has been vaccinated against COVID-19. And now, 9 Coronavirus Vaccines are available in Indonesia, what are they? Let's take a closer look.

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On September 7, 2021 (Muharram 29, 1443 H), the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) again released an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for two types of COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia.

Thus, there are 2 (Two) additional Types of Vaccines so that in total there are 9 Types of COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia that have received EUA from BPOM. BPOM confirms that all Types of COVID-19 vaccines that have received EUA have gone through an intensive study of safety, efficacy, and quality.

“The POM Agency always collaborates with experts in ensuring compliance with vaccine safety, efficacy and quality standards. We involve experts in the fields of Pharmacology, Immunology, Clinicians, Pharmacists, Epidemiology, Virology, and Biomedicine who are members of the National Committee for the Special Assessment of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccine, the Indonesia Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI), and related clinician associations,” said Head of BPOM Penny K. Lukito.

Here are 9 Types of COVID-19 Vaccines that have received EUA from BPOM :

1. Sinovac 

The Sinovac vaccine is the first COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia to receive an emergency use permit from BPOM. EUA is published by BPOM on Monday, 11 January 2021 (27 Jumada al-Awal 1442 H).

The emergency use permit for Sinovac was granted after BPOM reviewed the results of the vaccine phase III clinical trial conducted in Bandung. BPOM is also reviewing the results of clinical trials of the Sinovac vaccine conducted in Turkey and Brazil.

From the results of the analysis of the phase III clinical trial in Bandung, the Efficacy of the Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine was 65.3%. The vaccine developed by Sinovac Research and Development Co., Ltd is given 2 (Two) Doses.

The amount of each dose is 0.5 ml, with a minimum interval of administration between doses of 28 days.

Quoting of news on 16 July 2021 (6 Dzul-Hijjah 1442 H), the Side Effects of Sinovac Vaccine according to BPOM include Pain, Irritation, Swelling, Muscle Aches, and Fever. The side effects of Sinovac vaccine with severe degrees such as headaches, skin disorders or diarrhea were reported only about 0.1-1%.

2. Bio Farma

One month later, on 16 February 2021 (4 Rajab 1442 H), BPOM again issued the EUA for the COVID-19 Vaccine produced by PT Bio Farma (Persero). The vaccine with the product name COVID-19 Vaccine has the EUA license number 2102907543A1.

The vaccine produced by PT Bio Farma is derived from vaccine raw materials which have been gradually delivered by Sinovac. This vaccine has a dosage form of 5 ml vials. Each vial contains 10 doses of vaccine derived from inactivated virus.

To maintain the quality and quality, this COVID-19 Vaccine must be stored in a storage area with a stable temperature between 2-8 ℃. Each vial has been equipped with a special two-dimensional barcode that shows the detailed information of each vial. It serves to track vaccines and prevent vaccine counterfeiting.

3. AstraZeneca

Just a few days later, BPOM then again issued the EUA for the COVID-19 vaccine made by the British pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca, on 22 February 2021 (10 Rajab 1442 H) with the EUA number 2158100143A1.

BPOM granted an emergency use permit for AstraZeneca after conducting an evaluation with the National Committee for Drug Evaluation and other parties. The COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford has an efficacy of 62.1%.

This vaccine is given intramuscularly with two injections. Each injection dose given is 0.5% with a minimum interval of 12 weeks between doses.

The side effects of the Astrazeneca Vaccine are mild to moderate. The following side effects of the AstraZeneca Vaccine are Pain, Redness, Itching, Swelling, Fatigue, Headache, Fever, and Nausea.

4. Sinopharm

On April 29, 2021 (Ramadan 17, 1442 H), BPOM issued the EUA for the Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccine with EUA number 2159000143A2. The Sinopharm vaccine is distributed by PT.Kimia Farma with an inactivated virus platform.

Based on the evaluation results, the administration of two doses of the sinopharm vaccine with an interval of 21 days showed a well-tolerated safety profile. The results of a phase III clinical trial conducted by researchers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with approximately 42,000 subjects showed the efficacy of the Sinopharm vaccine was 78%.

The most common Side Effects of the Sinopharm Vaccine are Mild Local Side Effects. These include pain or redness at the injection site, Systemic Side Effects such as Headache, Muscle Aches, Fatigue, Diarrhea, and Coughing.

5. Moderna

Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine received EUA from BPOM on Friday, 2 July 2021 (21 Dzul-Qa'dah 1442 H). Based on data from the third phase of clinical trials, the efficacy of the Moderna vaccine was 94.1% in the 18-65 Year age group.

Moderna Vaccine Efficacy then decreased to 86.4% for those over 65 Years old. The results of clinical trials also state that the Moderna vaccine is safe for population groups with Comorbidities.

The comorbidities in question are Chronical Lung Disease, Heart Disease, Severe Obesity, Diabetes, Liver Disease, and HIV.

Some of the most common side effects are Pain (at the Injection site), Fatigue, Muscle Aches, Joint Pain, and Dizziness. Meanwhile, potential general or moderate symptoms that appear can Include Weakness, Headache, Chills, Fever, and Nausea.

6. Pfizer

BPOM reissued the EUA for Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine on July 15, 2021 (5 Dzul-Hijjah 1442 H). Phase III clinical trial data demonstrate the efficacy of the vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc. and this BioNTech is 100% at the age of 12-15 years, then decreases to 95.5% at the age of 16 years and over.

Several studies have shown the safety of the Pfizer vaccine to be well tolerated in all age groups. The Pfizer vaccine is administered intramuscularly with two injections.

Each injection dose given is 0.3 ml with a minimum interval between doses of 21-28 days.

For post-vaccination side effects, most tend to be mild. Some of the commonly reported side effects of Pfizer vaccine include body aches at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, joint pain, and fever.

7. Sputnik-V

BPOM issues EUA for the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine. The EUA is published by BPOM on Tuesday, 24 August 2021 (15 Muharram 1443 H). The Sputnik V vaccine is used for the age group 18 years and over.

This vaccine is given by intramuscular injection at a dose of 0.5 ml for 2 injections within a period of 3 weeks. The vaccine, developed by The Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Russia, uses the Non-Replicating Viral Vector platform (Ad26-S and Ad5-S).

Based on the results of studies related to its safety, Side Effects from using Sputnik v are side effects with mild or moderate severity such as Flu which are characterized by Fever, Chills, Joint Pain, Muscle Aches, Weakness, Discomfort, Headache, Hyperthermia, or Local Reactions. at the Injection Site.

As for its efficacy, phase 3 clinical trial data show the Sputnik-V Vaccine provides an efficacy of 91.6% with a confidence interval range of 85.6 - 95.2%.

8. Jansen (Johnson & Johnson)

Recently, BPOM announced the EUA for the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Johnson & Johnson, namely the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. The emergency use permit for Janssen Vaccine was announced by BPOM on 7 September 2021 (29 Muharram 1443 H).

Janssen vaccine is used for the age group of 18 years and over by giving one injection or a single dose of 0.5 ml intramuscularly.

Janssen is a vaccine developed by Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies with a Non-Replicating Viral Vector platform using an Adenovirus (Ad26) Vector.

In terms of efficacy, based on 3rd Phase Interim Clinical Study Data at 28 days after Vaccination, the Janssen vaccine's efficacy for preventing all symptoms of COVID-19 was 67.2%.

Then the Efficacy for preventing moderate to severe COVID-19 Symptoms in subjects over 18 years is 66.1%. Both local and systemic reactions to the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine showed grades 1 and 2 severity.

9. Convidecia (CanSino)

The EUA against the COVID-19 vaccine produced by CanSino, namely Convidecia, was announced together with the Janssen vaccine on September 7, 2021. The Convidecia vaccine is a vaccine developed by CanSino Biological Inc. and the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology also with the Non-Replicating Viral Vector platform using the Adenovirus (Ad5) vector.

Just like Janssen, the Convidecia COVID-19 vaccine is also used for the age group 18 years and over by giving a single injection or a single dose of 0.5 ml intramuscularly.

The efficacy of the Convidecia vaccine for protection against all symptoms of COVID-19 is 65.3%. For protection against severe COVID-19 cases, the efficacy reaches 90.1%.

From the results of studies that have been carried out, it shows that from a safety perspective, the Convidecia Vaccine is generally well tolerated. Like Janssen, both local and systemic reactions to Convidecia vaccine are Grade 1 and 2 in Severity.

The Adverse Events After Immunization (AEFI) from Convidecia vaccine also showed mild to moderate reactions. Common local AEFI's include Pain, Redness, and Swelling, and common systemic AEFI's include Headache, Fatigue, Muscle Aches, Drowsiness, Nausea, Vomiting, Fever and Diarrhea.

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The most important thing is that we must always apply Health Protocols such as wearing Masks, maintaining Distance, washing Hands, avoiding Crowds, and reducing Mobility to avoid Transmission of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). And do vaccinations so we can be Immune from COVID-19.

Thank You đŸ˜„đŸ˜˜đŸ˜ˇđŸ‘ŒđŸ‘ :)

Wassalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
